“Outstanding knowledge and first-hand
Templemoor have been working with Safer Children Ltd for a number of years to deliver
specialist safeguarding training for the whole staff. The standard of training delivered by
Jan and Nicola at Designated Person level, to the whole staff team and to the Governing
Body has been exemplary. They bring their outstanding knowledge and first-hand
experience to the training they deliver and always ensure that delegates are engaged and
involved. The sessions are delivered professionally and sensitively. The content is
relevant, up to date and focussed on achieving the best outcomes for all children.
Feedback from staff reflects how empowered they feel to recognise, challenge and work in
partnership to secure long term positive outcomes for the families that we support.
Despite the difficult subject matter the feedback is always how enjoyable, useful and
thought-provoking the training has been. Thank you, Jan and Nicola, for all of your
unfailing support and training over the years, we are very much indebted to you. The
lessons we have learned certainly underpin all of the safeguarding work in our school.
— Stuart Hodgson - Headteacher - Templemoor Infants School.
"Thank you ladies for making a very difficult subject , accessible interesting and appropriate to a school setting. The best Safeguarding course I have attended."
— Jan Bacon - Assistant Head - Altrincham Preparatory School
“As the Manager I always come away having learnt
something new...”
Safer children Limited have been providing Orangutans Day Care Nursery with quality
training that covers all aspects of the safeguarding and welfare requirements for us as
practitioners working in early years. To enable our children to be healthy, safe and
secure and ensure we met their individual needs, our practitioners are provided with
the best up to date knowledge on an on-going basis provided by Safer Children Limited.
Jan and Nicola have visited our nursery many times and delivered a
multitude of quality safeguarding training such as prevent duty, FGM,
domestic abuse, e-safety to name but a few.
The courses delivered can sometimes have high intensity, but
Jan and Nicola ensure a relaxed environment and thought-provoking
sessions with real meaning that generate some really good
conversations within the workplace… As the Manager I always come away having learnt
something new every time which enables me to apply theory to practise. Thanks to
Safer Children for the fantastic and amazing job you do helping to keep us and our
children safe……
— Emma Blelloch - Orangutans Child Care
"A thought provoking session. Jan and Nicola deliver tough messages that make all staff
recognise that abuse can happen anywhere. Staff feel much more confident in reporting
their concerns. Highly recommend them. Thank you."
— Carole Partington - Head Teacher - English Martyrs RC Primary School